I'm very much looking forward to our interview session! Please see below for some notes regarding preparation and answers to frequently asked questions. If you have any thoughts, comments, or concerns do not hesitate to let me know.
General expectations
The interview will likely run 60-90 minutes
This is meant to be fun! Your comfort and enjoyment are my priorities
As the facilitator/interviewer I will make sure there is a good balance of “airtime” for everyone during the session
Preparing for the interview
Review the question list – maybe refresh your memory a bit regarding your answers, but resist any urge to write anything specific down! I promise it will be easier to talk through your answers without a script.
Let me know if: 1) there are any specific questions on the list you would like to skip, 2) there are any general topics covered by the question list you would prefer to avoid, and/or 3) if there are any questions or topics you would like added to the list.
The interviews are meant to be conversational – so no need to rehearse anything in advance – your answers will not need to be perfect and the footage will be edited afterwards to highlight the very best clips.
You can see example clips from previous interviews in the Clients section of the Posterity Media website.
What to wear
Something comfortable to sit in for 60-90 minutes
You’re welcome to wear anything that you think represents you best – from casual to formal
If you are being interviewed with someone else on camera coordinate to dress at the same level of formality
What NOT to wear
Noisy, jangly, or overly reflective jewelry
Reflective clothing
Clothing with very tight patterns (especially shirts, ties)
Anything with prominent logos
Try to avoid wearing the same color as where you'll be sitting (check with your Producer to confirm)